7830 Beechcraft Avenue, Gaithersburg, MD 20879 (301) 990-8333


Montgomery County Awning Company Serving The Entire Washington DC Area


Here at the Deck Awning Company we install a wide range of awnings and awnings styles throughout the Washington DC area. We install in both residential and commercial settings. Typical residential awning installations are over decks, patios, pool areas, entryways, and over windows, but we also offer a wide range of custom solutions for any design and shade problem you face.

Commercial awning requests typically center on restaurant seating areas, building entryways, or outdoor recreation spaces, but as with our residential awning installations, we offer a variety of custom options for our commercial clients as well. In short, if you have a need for beautiful shaded space just give us a call!

Our Most Common Awning Installation Areas Include:

Montgomery County Retractable Awnings

Fairfax County Retractable Awnings

Northern Virginia Retractable Awnings

Washington DC Retractable Awnings



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